

'We are here, women in design 1900-Today' at the Hub Design Museum

"Som aquí! Les dones en el disseny, 1900 - avui" ofereix un estudi crític dels èxits i les condicions de treball de les dones dissenyadores durant el segle passat.

'We are here, women in design 1900-Today' at the Hub Design Museum
bonart barcelona - 06/11/23

From October 5, the Museu del Disseny Hub in Barcelona exhibits its new temporary exhibition We are here, women in design 1900-Today. This exhibition is a critical study of the achievements and working conditions of women designers over the past century. The exhibition, which is produced by the Vitra Design Museum, includes the result of the research carried out by the DHub's collections department with an area dedicated to the pioneering female designers of the Spanish state, and another that raises the design for the women, with contemporary pieces. Within the program of parallel activities "Women X Design X Women" to this exhibition, a series of interviews, conferences, conversations, family activities, presentations, screenings, wikimarathons, micro-conferences, podcasts and guided tours have been scheduled.

The best design of the year

On the other hand, you can also visit the temporary exhibition The best design of the year in which you can appreciate how design and the arts influence and are influenced by society, culture, economy, technology and environment that surrounds them, so that they transform year after year.

This annual exhibition shows the evolution of creative disciplines through concrete, real projects, which have been selected by juries made up of prestigious professionals, who have assessed the excellence, originality and conceptual innovation of the projects presented to the awards organized by the FAD associations in the different disciplines of design and the arts. The Ribozim work by Girona's Edgar Massegú, made with iron yarn, paper cellulose, hemp tow, esparto fiber, espadrille fiber and a light installation, which is exhibited in this exhibition, should be highlighted. The exhibition can be visited until January 7, 2024.

Other temporary exhibitions that can be visited are Òh!pera (The exhibition), the traveling Premi Catalunya d'Ecodisseny 2023, Vestir la cadira "Desnuda" and Els nous realistes. Catalan and Balearic architecture since the crisis of 2008, which shows the work of a group of Catalan and Balearic architects called "new realists" - who, following the crisis of 2008 and aware that a change of cycle was beginning both in society and in the profession, they redefined new parameters in the practice of architecture. The exhibition will be open until January 7, 2024.


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