

'Alternative dialogues' at the Figueres Slaughterhouse

'Alternative dialogues' at the Figueres Slaughterhouse
bonart figueres - 03/11/23

Eleven artists present the new temporary exhibition Dilogies alternative, Say... Take the floor! curated by Pilar Farrés i Coll at the Figueres Slaughterhouse Exhibition Hall since last October 11. The eleven artists have invited a working partner at the same time, with whom, as a team, they have devised and executed a common work, freely expressed in the artistic language they have deemed appropriate. The artists participating in this exhibition are: Ester Baulida and Maria Culubret, Lisa Bos and Gemma Ridameya, Mònica Campdepadrós and Maria Mercader, Pilar Farrés and Jaume Geli, Elena Font Rodà and Andres Bühlmann, Assumpció Mateu and Josep Massana, Fina Miralles and Mar Serinyà, Fiona Morrison and Michelle Wilson, Clara Oliveras and Roser Amills, Mercè Riba and Eugeni Prieto and Lola Ventós and Carme Huerta.

14th edition of Empordaneses

In this 14th edition of Empordaneses, unlike the thirteen previous editions, it has not started from a unifying theme provided by the curator, nor from a common point of reference, developed and diversified by each of the participating individuals . The novelty is that the thematic responsibility has been given to each of the artists and, in turn, to their work partner.

According to Mariona Seguranyes Bolaños, art historian, PhD in Humanities, this exhibition "puts the focus on teamwork and the true thread of these works and texts is the freedom of creation that has led these 22 artists to reflect about the human being, the mysteries of life, the complexity and challenges of our present, and all this elaborated from the Empordà". For his part, Eduard Bech, director of the Museu de l'Empordà in Figueres, affirms that Alternative Dilogies is, perhaps, the most original edition of the Empordaneses project. The works of art in the exhibition are complemented by texts, collected in the exhibition catalogue, by five theoreticians who have also been invited to take the floor and write about what interests them most: personal experiences, reflections on around the art or the territory".

The curator of the exhibition, Pilar Farrés, points out that "this time we present a project that calls on eleven artists to take the thematic initiative, to talk about what they consider worth being said". Some of the parallel activities that have been scheduled during this exhibition are guided tours, the dialogue "Art and transformation", activities with the couples of artists, family activities "Words that draw", educational actions "Appearances" and " Trials". Visiting hours to the exhibition are from Monday to Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Sundays and public holidays, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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