2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Art Photo Bcn. 10 years activating the photography sector

The fair has received more than 1,400 visitors and consolidates Art Photo Bcn as a meeting point around current photography in Barcelona

Art Photo Bcn. 10 years activating the photography sector
bonart barcelona - 03/11/23

From October 26 to 29, Art Photo Bcn's big weekend took place, developing on the fourth floor of the Design Hub Barcelona the bulk of the programming with the fair and the photobook market as central elements around which 'has activated the photography sector. Round tables, presentations and dialogues have been the main protagonists with speakers from various fields that have aroused the interest of more than 1400 visitors.

The fair curated for the second consecutive year by Vicenç Boned has been of interest to the Bassat Foundation which has acquired work by Mayte Caramés as well as a group of members of Soho House Barcelona, the Real Cercle del Liceu and an international representation of collectors who have accompanied us Moritz Neumüller to comment on the specifics of the buyer of photographic work with Simone Klein, Serge Kakou or Uwe Schölg.

In addition to this table on collecting, a meeting took place between part of the Platform of the Photography and Image Center with Sandra Maunac and Alejandro Castellote with a selection of professionals in the sector in museum institutions and specialized centers such as Pepe Serra of the MNAC , Valentín Roma from the Virreina Image Center, Teresa Grandas from MACBA and Pepe Font de Mora from Fundació Foto Colectania. Preceded by an in-depth session on historical photography with a presentation by Martí Llorens and Rebecca Muttel on the RACAB Daguerre team.

Art Photo Bcn. 10 years activating the photography sector

The dynamic presentation of photographic projects had its protagonists with Cristóbal Ascencio, winner of the ninth edition who, accompanied by Vanessa Roca, winner of the eighth, reviewed both the project and its trajectory in a relaxed way. Completing the tribute to the photographers of the first edition and their exhibition, there was a talk about the portfolio viewing system and they reviewed their trajectory since that first opportunity in a round table with Isabel Lazaro, director of Art Photo Bcn. The protagonists of this talk were Adrià Goula, David Querol, Ana Frechilla, Mar Martín, Victòria Rodríguez Cruz and Juan Margolles. The activities continued to expand the siege of photography towards the war reporter William Klein, the most creative documentary photography of Cristina de Middel or Carlos Alba. Some actions that demonstrated the great spectrum of the image that can be found in Art Photo Bcn.

The main prize for viewings has gone to Rita Puig-Serra, who will star in the image of the next edition with her project Anatomy of an Oyster, a personal vision of trauma through the symbology she creates from the pearl and its breadth of meanings

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