

"The earthquake is intact" in L'Espai 13 of the Joan Miró Foundation

"The earthquake is intact" in L'Espai 13 of the Joan Miró Foundation
bonart barcelona - 20/07/23

Espai 13 of the Fundació Joan Miró will host from July 21 to October 22, 2023 the exhibition The earthquake is intact, the continuation of Black El Dorado, a long-term research project signed by the two artists who questions Western narratives about ecology and proposes a rereading of the colonial archive.

Through ceramics and bahareque - an ancestral construction system from mud -, the exhibition proposal clings to concepts such as container and shelter to explore processes of non-alphabetic writing and material accumulation, semantics and symbolic, which displace the conceptions of the book as a Western-colonial narrative device.

This is the third and penultimate exhibition of Fixacions per minute, this year's series of exhibitions at Espai 13 that the Joan Miró Foundation organizes with the collaboration of the Banc Sabadell Foundation. Curated by Yaby, the project examines the concept of reading and its relationship with current artistic practices through the works of a selection of artists from the local and international scene.

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