

The Contemporary Art Center La Sala inaugurates "7A"

The Contemporary Art Center La Sala inaugurates "7A"
bonart vilanova i la geltrú - 20/07/23

The Contemporary Art Center La Sala opens on July 21 at 7 p.m. exhibition 7A, a group exhibition that includes the works of artists Dolors Escoté, Abel Masana, Joaquim Milà, Joan Nadal, Xavi Pascual, J Mª Pinyol and Magda Querol.

The exhibition, curated by Joan Nadal, aims to be a meeting point between contemporary art and popular culture, under the prism of different perspectives. The exhibition presents 7 different personal trajectories, but in constant research, evolving and growing continuously, exploring with different procedures and techniques.

On other occasions, these artists have also worked with the collective imagination of the Festa Major (such as the fans that decorate the Rambla) or other popular festivals. That is why, within the framework of the exhibition, an open workshop has been scheduled to paint some fans to paint some fans that want to emulate the garnishes of the Rambla, collaborating with each artist, applying their technique and their different styles

The exhibition can be visited until August 27, 2023.


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