

ARCOLisboa 2024

Between the 23rd and the 26th of May, the Cordoaria Nacional in Lisbon is once again filled with art with one of the most important fairs in the sector

ARCOLisboa 2024
bonart lisbon - 26/05/24

ARCOlisboa, international contemporary art fair, organized by IFEMA MADRID and Câmara Municipal de Lisbon, will celebrate its 7th edition from May 23 to 26 in its traditional headquarters of the Cordoaria Nacional, once again turning the Portuguese capital into one of artistic and cultural foci of greatest attraction and interest in Europe, and in a meeting place for collectors, gallerists, artists and professionals from all over the world.

With the participation of 84 galleries from 15 countries, ARCOlisboa will present the Portuguese art scene in a broad dialogue with Spanish and European art. The Fair will be organized around three areas: the General Program, made up of 59 galleries, and the curated sections, OPENING Lisboa, with a selection of 17 galleries, and As Formes do Oceano, made up of 8 galleries.

On this occasion, the participation of Portuguese galleries represents 33% of the fair, with a total of 28 galleries. The international segment stands at 67% -56 galleries-, especially from Europe, with a significant presence from countries such as Spain, Germany, France and Austria.

The main axis of the fair, the General Program, grows in this edition and will be made up of 59 galleries selected by the Organizing Committee, with the addition of galleries participating for the first time such as Charim, adn galeria or L21. Likewise, some participations that return after some edition are recovered, as is the case of Ehrhardt Flórez, Piero Atchugarry or Graça Brandão, and others such as Janh und Jahn and Focus join the general section after having participated in OPENING Lisbon last year. These join the loyalty of others such as Bruno Múrias, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Francisco Fino, Madragoa, Pedro Cera, Vera Cortês, as well as CarrerasMugica, Helga d'Alvear, Mayoral, Leandro Navarro or Carlier | Gebauer, 193 Gallery, Document.

ARCOLisboa 2024 Sousa Tavares, Cafè Pessoa, Paula Nascimento, curadora de la secció As Formes do Oceà, Maribel López, directora d'ARC, Carlos Moedas, president de la Câmara Municipal de Lisboa i Luiza Teixeira de Freitas, curadora de la secció Opening Lisboa.

In addition, the SOL projects of the General Program are added, which will present the work of international artists in depth. Among them, Ixone Sádaba -ATM-, Vicente Blanco -Galería Silvestre-, Carmen Ortiz Blanco -House of Chappaz-, Miguel Ángel Tornero -Juan Silió-, Juan Baraja -La Cometa, Elvira Amor -MPA / Moisès Pérez de Albéniz-, Miguel Fructuoso -T20-, Christian García Bello -The Goma-, Michele Tocca -Z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Edin Zenun -Zeller Van Almsick-.

On the other hand, the OPENING Lisboa section will investigate new languages and artistic spaces with the aim of attracting new content to the fair. Along these lines, through this program, the selection of which has been made by Chus Martínez and Luiza Teixeira de Freitas, the fair will allow exploring the proposals of 17 galleries, such as 4710 Gallery, Artnueve, Elvira Moreno, Lohaus Sominsky and Salgadeiras , which premieres in the program, Bianca Boeckel, Encounter, Portes Vilaseca, Nau and Romero Paprocki, who repeat participation, in addition to Anca Poterasu, winner of the OPENING Lisboa 2023 Award.

The OPENING Lisboa space will be specially designed by the Portuguese architecture studio Feeders. This edition, and for the fifth year, ARCOlisboa will once again present the OPENING Lisboa Prize whose jury, made up of professionals in the sector, will recognize the best stand in the section with the transfer of its exhibition space at the Fair.

The artistic contents of this edition are completed with the program As Formes do Oceano, curated by Paula Nascimento and Igor Simões, which brings together projects focused on the relations between Africa and the African diaspora and other latitudes. It will include a total of 8 galleries from Paris -31 Project, NIL Gallery and Christophe Person-, Casablanca -African Arty, Lisbon - Col·lectiu Amarelo-, Brasília -Karla Osorio-, Italy -LIS10 Gallery- and Rio de Janeiro -Nonada -.

As a theoretical context, ARCOlisboa proposes its traditional program of debate and reflection which, with the support of Fundação Millennium bcp, will continue to enhance the fair as an engine of thought around contemporary art. The Torreão Nascente will host the Millennium Art Talks, organized by EGEAC and curated by Marta Mestre and Ángel Calvo Ulloa. On this occasion, they will have the participation of professionals such as Adelaide Duarte, Marta Pérez Ibáñez, Igor Simões, Paula Nascimento, Filipe Feijão, Mercedes Vidal-Abarca, Óscar Faria, Sara Bichão, Filipa Oliveira, Nuria Enguita, Raphael Fonseca and Beatriz Lemos. For its part, DGArtes Rede Portuguesa d'Art Contemporânea will be responsible for a session which, moderated by Marta Mestre, will include the intervention of Américo Rodrigues, Igor Simões, Paula Nascimento, Andreia Magalhães and Ana Botella.

The Coimbra Biennial will also have its space in a talk led by Marta Mestre and Ángel Calvo Ulloa, and with Dário Cannatà and Maria João Macedo, Carlos Antunes and Désirée Pedro, Raquel Lima. WAAU World African Artists United, under the direction of Ana Balona d'Oliveira, will host another talk featuring Ekua Yankah, Mahi Binebine, Kathryn Weir, James Oscar, Igor Simões, Paula Nascimento and Matheus M. Abu. nThe AAVP - Associação d'Artistes Visuais em Portugal-, the magazine Umbigo and Appleton - Associação Cultural, will offer another with the presence of Paulo Mendes, Elsa Garcia and Vera Appleton.

Some exhibitions in Lisbon

Lisbon joins the meeting with contemporary art coinciding with the celebration of ARCOlisboa, and together with the main local art institutions, will be the scene of a cultural program parallel to the fair aimed at national and international guests, which it includes openings and visits to exhibitions and private collections, among other events.

Organized by EGEAC, the ground floor of the Torreão Nascente will host an exhibition with the acquisitions of the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa for its collection in 2023.

The city's main museums present interesting exhibitions such as the MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology - with exhibits by artists such as Ernesto Neto, Luísa Jacinto and Nicolas Floc´h, among others. The MAC/*CCB Museum of Contemporary Art – Belém Cultural Center, by João Fiadeiro, the National Museum of Contemporary Art Do Chiado, by Ana Norogrando. The Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian will host another exhibition by Álvaro Siza, and Kunsthalle Lissabon by Iman Issa, Marwa Arsanios, Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa.

Among the wide and varied offer in the city, exhibitions in other art centers also stand out such as the Quadrum Gallery with Ângela Ferreira, António Comptador & Carla Cruz, Cildo Meireles, Fábio Colaço, among others, the Boavista Gallery, with João Mota Guedes or the Pavilhão Branco, with Délio Jasse.

ARCOlisboa is co-organized by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, with the support of DGARTES, Fundação EDP, Fundação Millennium BCP, Fundação Basc Pexina de pelegrí d'Almeida, MEXTO Property Investment, Turisme de Lisboa, Bellissimo Cafès / Marca Grup Nabeiro , Super Bock Group, Santogal, Valorpneu, Art works, Ruinart, Casa Cadaval, Cinquena do Casal Branco, the Fundação Altice

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