

The Elders of the IVAM support Enguita

Enguita va presentar la seva renúncia davant del que considera 'atacs' contra la seva persona 'basats en informació falsejada'. 'És evident que no compto amb el suport del Govern valencià', va declarar.

The Elders of the IVAM support Enguita
bonart valencia - 26/02/24

The collective Els Grans, senior stable group of the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM), has expressed this Saturday its rejection of the political tricks that have led to the resignation of Núria Enguita at the head of the institution and ordered her to his "understanding, support and affection", at the same time they have made a "recognition of his dignity" and have thanked him for his work.

As they pointed out in a statement, the resignation of Nuria Enguita, known on February 21, "shocked" them and caused a "unanimous" feeling in the group of "sadness, impotence, rejection of the political tricks that have determined it ".

The collective explains that Els Grans de l'IVAM is a stable group of the institution "arising from one of the many initiatives that Nuria Enguita undertook when she took over the direction of the center, with the idea of bringing art in society, to open the center to everything, that each and every one of us be an active part".

"In a way, we are one of the fruits of this project and also privileged witnesses of what the IVAM is today: a popular center - like the title of one of its exhibitions - alive and well, where work is done in collaboration, which welcomes you with open doors and allows you to approach and enjoy modern and contemporary art", explained the collective.

In his opinion, this is a "wonderful achievement" in a center that "in the last three years has combined the international and the local (from Asger Jorn or Otobong Nkanga to Teresa Lanceta or Pinazo), which has given entry to artists very young and expanded whose field is understood as artistic, which has opted for a feminist perspective; which has become an artistic and cultural reference inside and outside of Spain".

Along these lines, he points out that, as the initiator group of the 'Els Grans' program, they have been "actively participating in its events and exhibitions for more than a year and a half, happily living the IVAM", which they feel is "something of ours ". The collective, which wishes luck and offers support to the deputy director, Sonia Martínez, who temporarily takes over the management, regrets that "unfortunately, successes and merits do not always win".

"Pain and indignation is the feeling of the group that, although heterogeneous, agrees on a few ideas: that culture must be pampered; that it and art contribute to improving us, individually and as a society; that culture is a social good that must be left aside from the political party in turn; that when someone does things well, they must be supported and let them do it", they point out, and regrets that in Enguita "they didn't let him continue doing it" .

Enguita submitted his resignation last Wednesday in the face of what he considered "attacks" against his person "based on falsified information". "It is clear that I do not have the support of the Valencian government", asserted the art specialist, following the information published on the donation of two rustic properties that he made to the Todolí Citrus foundation, a non-profit organization promoted by art curator Vicente Todolí, who was part of the jury of the competition that selected her as head of the IVAM.

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