

About fifteen artists exhibit at the Duván-Espai 59 Gallery

About fifteen artists exhibit at the Duván-Espai 59 Gallery
bonart sant feliu de guíxols - 18/12/23

From December 9, you can visit the Nadalart collective Christmas exhibition at the Duván Gallery - Espai 59 in Sant Feliu de Guíxols. The following artists have participated in this exhibition: Ana Gutiérrez, Alberto Udaeta, Alex Pallí, Arcadi Moradell, Carles Piqueras, Duván, Marzo Mart, Mati Duch, Nei Albertí, Ralf Langenhor st, Ricardo Campos, Rosa Rosell, Salvador Sabater and Trevor Skinner.

Parallel to the exhibition, you can appreciate the "Espacio Único" section where we can appreciate the drawing, painting, sculpture and ceramics of Duván as well as the photography of Salvador Sabater. It should be remembered that last October an exhibition of Korean art was held with the aim of allowing visitors to discover the emerging talents that expand the borders of art in Korea, which were Park Seong Whi and Lee Cheol Kyu. On the other hand, the Cosmos exhibition was also presented in which Duván affirmed that "more than the search for success, the work of the artist is a going towards the unknown, it is expanding the possibilities of the matter and thought to take them to something new, surprising".

The exhibition can be visited until January 31, 2024 and the gallery is open from Friday to Sunday, as well as visits arranged during the week.

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