

'Cogitare, somniare, reflectere' by Jordi Tolosa

Jordi Tolosa works around the perception of space and time. A cognitive, introspective, reflective, interactive, sensitive and artisan work, as aesthetically attractive as it is stimulating for understanding

'Cogitare, somniare, reflectere' by Jordi Tolosa
bonart vilafranca del penedès - 08/11/23

November 10 at 7 p.m. the Capella de Sant Joan hosts the opening of the exhibition Cogitare, somniare, reflectere by Jordi Tolosa. Curated by Joan Gil Gregorio, the installation invites us to question the true meaning of existence, our relationship with what surrounds us and the determining connection with nature as a source of regenerating energy. An invitation that asks us not to wait but to act.

Nothing more transcendental invites us to meditate on our origin, our experiences, our ideals, our desires. Questions that we ask ourselves throughout our lives and that we hardly find an answer to; issues that accompany us as part of our existence. The question is: what is the meaning of what surrounds us, what we perceive, what we live, what we feel? In the darkness, the dreams of reason turn into monsters and it is at this moment that we realize that we are still alive waiting for the farewell that is inevitable.

Jordi Tolosa is the author of numerous sculptures that bear witness to the new artistic languages initiated in the second half of the 20th century. Iron, aluminum or light anatomize and sweeten rational forms that, like a table of offerings, support an unreachable number of caustic ideas that rush us towards the haphazard roulette of human existence. The force of words, covered with poetic symbolism, and the play of duality and confrontations plunge us into structures that contain asymmetrical sensations and doubts in a desire to reveal unanswered questions.

The exhibition can be visited until January 7, 2024.


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