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24 Night of Illusion at Espai Ridaura

24 Night of Illusion at Espai Ridaura
bonart santa cristina d'aro - 04/08/23

Next August 12 at 10:30 p.m. the 24th edition of the Night of Illusion will be held at Espai Ridaura, which is an international magic show and will be held like the year held in the multipurpose hall of Santa Cristina d'Aro.

For this year's Night, magicians who have been awarded internationally will perform, some have received the National Prize of France as well as the FISM prize of Europe and according to sources of the organization "the artists will perform some very dynamic numbers". In this year's performance, Xevi the magician himself will perform, who, it should be remembered, won the gold medal of the Spanish Society of Illusionism, as he is also a gold star of The Magic Circle in England and, among others, FISM Award for his career and dissemination of magic in the world.

They will also perform: Francoise Rochais, who is considered by the press as the best female juggler today; Gerald Le Guilloux, who will perform a classic and elegant number and has won several international awards; Laia, who is a young illusionist also known as Maga Game; Ra'Fou, who is a Belgian magician, specializes in comic numbers and in this year's edition he will present his latest creation; Riversson, who collaborates with Steven Spielberg with special effects and who plans to perform a very imaginative and romantic number.

The ticket price is 22 euros and tickets can be purchased through the website: or at the town's tourism office (Old Carrilet Station).

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