

"L'Opera dels amics" is presented at the Girona Auditorium

"L'Opera dels amics" is presented at the Girona Auditorium
bonart girona - 15/03/23

On the 19th of March, "L'Opera dels amics" is presented, which is a musical Opera show with excerpts from the chosen areas and which is more exciting to characters known to all of us. These same characters have chosen and argued their operatic tastes that will be performed on the stage of the Girona Auditorium.

The 5 protagonists of this show are: Carles Sans (El Tricicle), Josep Roca (sommelier and owner of El Celler de Can Roca), Helena García Melero (TV3 journalist), Toni Clapés (RAC1 journalist and communicator) and Boris Izaguirre (writer, television presenter, and showman), who have collaborated in this concert, justifying the reason for their preferences and explaining the personal circumstances that lead them to choose those fragments.

In this show we will see how Boris identifies with Carmen. Carles Sans gets excited with Rigoletto, Il Trovatore and even begins to interpret a small fragment of The Barber of Seville. Josep Roca makes an interesting parallel between Wagner's work and Priorat wine, Toni Clapés is moved by both Opera and gastronomy, he chooses La Bohème, and Helena Garcia Melero chooses Madame Butterfly and Nabucco..

For his part, the communicator and Opera expert, Marcel Gorgori, is the presenter and director of the show, Carles Cosías, the tenor, Laura del Río, the soprano, Carles Daza, baritone, Laura Vila, mezzo-soprano, as well as the Orfeó Vigatà and the Barcelona Philarmonia Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Daniel Antolí, will participate.


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