

"Every Repeated Object Occupies a Unique Space," in Bombon Projects

"Every Repeated Object Occupies a Unique Space," in Bombon Projects
bonart barcelona - 14/11/22

Bombon Projects presents, from November 14, 2022 to January 8, 2023, Tot Objecte Repetit Ocupa Un Espai Únic, an exhibition that takes the title of a piece by Pere Noguera, artist who together with Pati Hill and Jordi Mitjà, form part of this proposal that revolves around the potential of the copied image.

Pati Hill (1921, USA - 2014, France), poet and visual artist, left an extensive body of work that explores the relationship between text and image. By using the photocopier - a machine often associated with secretarial work and therefore with feminized work - she traces everyday objects such as high-heeled shoes, a package of bacon or a folded shirt with the intention of methodically translating the domestic and invisible work in a visual and public language. Through the use of the photocopier, Hill created a model of artistic production that opposed individual expression and at the same time the supposed neutrality of technologically produced images.

Pere Noguera (1941, La Bisbal d'Empordà) began his artistic career incorporating domestic objects and elements of the landscape with an aesthetic approach and process close to Arte Povera. He pioneered work with photocopies in the 1970s and explored the concept of the archive as ready-made through the introduction of found photographs and film. He has developed an extensive work on the conceptual processes of photography and electrography. In 1975 he presented the famous exhibition The photocopy as a work-document at Sala Vinçon in Barcelona.

The work of Jordi Mijtà (1979, Figueres) arises from the study of particular materials from the area where he lives and in which he grew up. The artist operates from an appropriationism redrawn in terms of archival logic. In other words, his work is born from an ambivalent process of accumulation and rejection of knowledge that at the same time functions as a trigger for the execution of his work. In line with his multifaceted line of work, Mijtà uses the photocopier as a tool to experiment with archival material, to press and capture ephemeral situations, as well as to work with his publications.


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