

The Tecla Sala Art Center presents "Perforar el temps" by the sculptor Salvador Juanpere

The Tecla Sala Art Center presents "Perforar el temps" by the sculptor Salvador Juanpere
bonart hospitalet de llobregat - 11/11/22

The Tecla Sala Art Center presents Perforar el temps, a set of works by the sculptor Salvador Juanpere (Vilaplana, Tarragona, 1953) focused on searching for the ideas that are hidden behind the images and the confluence of interests in the thought of artists from all eras.

The opening, which will take place on November 17 at 7 p.m., will feature the artist and curator of the exhibition, Teresa Blanch. The exhibition can be visited until January 8, 2022, in the annex of Space 2 of the art center.

Salvador Juanpere (Vilaplana, Tarragona, 1953) uses polished forms of representation to investigate the underlying world of the sculptor by bringing to the surface internal aspects of the sculpture found in the replicas of time. A work on the limits that in recent years has focused on searching for the ideas that are hidden behind the images and concomitances of interests in the thinking of artists from all eras. Like a true archaeologist, the artist points out particular details that pierce history and contract the excessive weight of time.

The three recent series gathered in this exhibition propose unique comparative plots in drawing, sculpture and textuality, which act as poetic pauses in the rigid chaining of artistic languages. They evoke themes or intentions of artists of the past and present while stretching chronological threads, at the same time appealing to the permanent strength of work in the always creative act.

The installation of ninety-five marble Puntelli, which is exhibited for the first time in its entirety, reproduces almost invisible fragments of ancient statuary used as a support, now turned into new corporeities whose story has been deactivated. The series of double drawings Entretiens avec... offers equivocal parallels that zigzag within the millennial artistic iconography. In La Veu de fons... phrases from prominent sculptors about the ordinary task of art are extracted, superimposed on the searching gaze of their faces.

Juanpere rescues traces left by subaltern aspects, observed within the iconic force of the images, to propose questions about their meanings.

In the image: Puntelli, 2011-2021. © Salvador Juanpere, VEGAP, Barcelona, 2022

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