

Call SAC-FiC Residence Program

Call SAC-FiC Residence Program
bonart barcelona - 04/11/22

SAC-FiC Residency Program is the annual residency program of Sant Andreu Contemporani and Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona, aimed at visual artists. As part of this program, a call is open to select three artists who need a work space to develop an artistic project, during the months of January to December 2023. In addition, the artists those selected will be able to enjoy an intensive internship that is complemented by the residence. The stage proposes the meeting of the artists with a visual arts professional for three days to work intensively on aspects of interest within their artistic processes. They will also have the support and monitoring of the SAC work team, and will be able to receive, in their work spaces, the visit of curators, critics and other agents of the contemporary visual arts sector. The projects produced must be presented within the Sant Andreu Contemporani 2023-2024 program.


The jury formed by Biel Llinàs (artist), Carolina Ciuti (curator) and the members of Sant Andreu Contemporani, will be in charge of selecting the artists of the SAC-FiC Residency Program.


The registration period will be from November 1, 2022 to December 5, 2022. The registration form will close at midnight on December 5 and no applications will be accepted after this time. In case of incidents with the online registration form, the required documentation must be sent by email before midnight on December 5, 2022.

Basis of the call

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