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Figueres will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Dalí Theatre-Museum with a popular program around September 28

The Dalí Foundation, Figueres City Council and the Friends of the Dalí Museums association organize a program of activities for all audiences

Figueres will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Dalí Theatre-Museum with a popular program around September 28
bonart figueres - 04/09/24

The Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation, Figueres City Council and the Friends of the Dalí Museums are pleased to inform you of the program that will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Dalí museum. The central event will take place on Saturday 28 September in Plaça Gala Dalí, popular and with different activities open to the public. The celebration will include a large birthday cake made by the master pastry chef Christian Escribà with the collaboration of the city's pastry chefs, commemorative cookies in the shape of Dalini three-croston bread, video mapping, sardines, parade of giants, reprint of the poster original from the opening of the museum, round table under the dome, guided tour, dramatized story and distribution of Dalinian mustaches.

The events were presented this morning in Plaça Gala Dalí with the assistance of Mariona Seguranyes, councilor for Culture and Heritage, Montse Aguer, director of the Dalí Museums, Manel Rodríguez, councilor for Economic Promotion, Carles Ayats, president of the Friends of Dalí Museums and a representation of Figueres pastry chefs.

Most of the activities will take place in the afternoon-evening of September 28, just when the 50th anniversary of the opening of the museum will be celebrated. The renowned master pastry chef Christian Escribà and the pastry chefs of Figueres will present a unique, large cake with the Dalí Theatre-Museum as the protagonist. Recently, Escribà has created models and chocolate dolls of spaces such as the facade of the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona or the trophy of the America's Cup in sailing. In addition, from September 23, the city's confectioners will also distribute, in their establishments, cookies in the shape of Dalí's three-croston bread, presented in a box with a special design. Years ago, pastry chefs joined forces to create a cookie dessert in the shape of the Dalí Theatre-Museum dome.

The 50th anniversary event will begin at half past six in the evening (5:30 p.m.) in Plaça de l'Ajuntament with a parade by the Mini-Stress group with the giants Dalí and Gala that will end in Plaça Gala Dalí. The initiative is from the Friends of the Dalí Museums, the Friends of the Figueres Giants and the Emporda Association of Popular and Traditional Music. At six o'clock, Cobla Sant Jordi will offer an audition for the sardane ballad. At seven o'clock there will be the parliaments of the authorities and, immediately after, Escribà and the pastry chefs from Figueres will show the cake.

The day will close with a video mapping projected in the Gala Dalí square itself with the Dalí Theatre-Museum as the protagonist which can be viewed in different sessions and times during the same evening and night.

Dalinian mustaches will be distributed to visitors throughout the day. From half past eleven in the morning to six in the evening, free guided tours and workshops will take place for all audiences at the Dalí Theatre-Museum. At 12 noon, the Fages de Climent Library, in Figueres, will host an activity for children over three years old with a dramatized story based on Petit & Gran Salvador Dalí, by Editorial Alba.

Original poster and round table under the dome

At the end of September, a limited re-edition of the original poster for the inauguration of the Dalí Theater-Museum (1974) will be distributed in the patisseries and shops of the city with more than 50 years of history.

The day before the day, Friday 27 at half past eight in the evening, under the dome of the Dalí Theatre-Museum, a round table will be held entitled "50 years of the Theatre-Museum: visions of Dalí in the wake of his magnum opus ”, with Montse Aguer, Francesc Fontbona, Montse Frisach and Lluís Nacenta as speakers and moderated by Maria Palau.

Exhibition, conference and book club at the Figueres Library

In parallel, this September the Figueres Library will host an exhibition, a conference and a book club. From this Monday until October 5, the facility will display a selection of documentation from its collection. The exhibition will collect information, posters, hand programs and photographs regarding the creation process of the Dalí Theatre-Museum, which began in 1961 with the tribute of the city of Figueres to the painter. The selection includes documents from periodicals of the time (such as Ampurdán, Canigó, Los Sitios, La Vanguardia, Sábado Gráfico and Gaceta Ilustrada), from the retrospective collection of the library and documents collected by personalities such as Jaume Maurici, Montserrat Vayreda or Josep Maria Ortega and offered as a donation to the Library.

On Monday, September 23 at seven in the evening, the library will host the conference "Salvador Dalí's library. A laboratory of ideas", by Carme Ruiz, deputy director of Collections and Exhibitions at the Dalí Foundation. In addition, the journalist and Dalí expert Josep Playà will coordinate the reading club "The secret life of Salvador Dalí" between September 19 (a quarter past eight) -with guidelines for reading- and November 4 and 19 of December (half past seven) – with a gathering for Library users and for members of the Friends of the Dalí Museum, respectively.

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