

New spaces of Casa Solterra in Girona

The rehabilitation of the spaces has made it possible to capture the historical importance of this building and make it more accessible to the public

Autoritats durant la visita als nous espais de la Casa Solterra, seu dels Serveis Territorials de Cultura a Girona. Fotografia: Pere Duran/Nord Media
New spaces of Casa Solterra in Girona
bonart girona - 10/07/24

The Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga, has inaugurated the new spaces of Casa Solterra, after the rehabilitation works that have been carried out in the building, which houses the Territorial Services of Culture in Girona. The event was also attended by the director of the Territorial Services of Culture, Josep Calataiud; and the directors of the Territorial Services for Equality and Feminism, Marta Casacuberta; Territory, Sergi Albrich; Cheers, Jaume Heredia; and Social Rights, Helga Nuell.

The works cost 421,265 euros and lasted 47 weeks, as the initial deadline had to be extended due to the discovery of some elements that required archaeological and restoration work.

Among others, with the removal of the existing pavement, 2 wells have been discovered: one in the main courtyard and the other in one of the interior rooms and also natural stone pebble pavement.

The restoration of all the facings and elements, such as the medieval column or the herringbone, has also been carried out.

During the event, the Minister of Culture emphasized that we can read Casa Solterra "in terms of culture", because it houses the Territorial Services of Culture and for its heritage value and "in terms of citizenship" because it is a facility that exists "for and for the people".

Garriga has also described the Department's Territorial Services as "the ears that pay attention and know everything that is happening in the territory; they identify and analyze initiatives, needs and concerns, and they know the actors, the interlocutors and the real protagonists of public policies like no one else: the people”.

The rehabilitation of the spaces that have been inaugurated today highlights the scientific, archaeological and historical knowledge of the building, as well as the dissemination and socialization of this knowledge. In fact, the completeness of the research will be embodied in the book of Casa Solterra that the Department of Culture will publish at the end of the year.

The works have also made it possible to remove a footbridge that had to be installed in 1983, which has made it possible to recover the lost harmony of the entrance courtyard and, at the same time, they have also made it possible for the Territorial Services of Culture in Girona to have direct access from the street, with the idea of bringing closer and easier access to the Administration and reclaiming its own heritage, putting it at the service of citizens.

The rehabilitation of Casa Solterra has also generated new spaces with new uses for the city of Girona, which can be used both for activities specific to the Territorial Services of Culture in Girona, as well as for entities, associations and institutions.

The opening ceremony included the talk "La Casa Solterra, 800 years of history" by Dr. Jordi Sagrera, as well as with the accompaniment of Bcn Sax Quartet, who have made a musical journey through different historical periods.

Historical and architectural context of Casa Solterra

Casa Solterra is a complex building, with the appearance of a large wealthy house from the 17th to the 18th centuries, but which is actually the result of a complex evolution of multiple urban estates documented since the 12th century.

The adaptation works have allowed the historical study of the affected rooms, combining the reading of the preserved facings with documentary research. This task has made it possible to identify the configuration of the pre-existing buildings of medieval chronology and relate it to the Sarriera family, one of the most powerful in late medieval and modern Girona.

The nine spaces allow for the growth of the heritage preserved in Casa Solterra and the remodeling action recovers the previous constructions integrated and hidden with the construction of the large well-to-do house, which they built in accordance with the recently achieved title of the Counts of Solterra in the century XVII

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