

The House of Culture of the Diputació de Girona convenes the twelfth Art Biennale

The call for works carried out foresees a collective exhibition and the publication of a catalog with the selected works, from which the winner will be chosen

The House of Culture of the Diputació de Girona convenes the twelfth Art Biennale

The House of Culture of the Diputació de Girona, with the aim of promoting and spreading the values of art and supporting visual artists, has called the twelfth edition of the Girona Art Biennale, with an endowment of €18,000 .

This year the financial endowment is distributed, as in the last two editions, in €12,000 allocated to the type of work carried out, and €6,000 to the type of production of an artistic creation project.

In the case of a completed work, the €12,000 will be distributed as follows: the winning work will receive a prize of €6,000 and will become part of the Art Fund of the Diputació de Girona, and the other €6,000 will be distributed equally among the authors of the works (a maximum of ten) that the jury will select to form part of the Art Biennale exhibition. This year, however, unlike all previous editions, the winning work will be chosen from among the ten selected once the group exhibition has been held, which will take place in the exhibition rooms on the ground floor of the Casa de Cultura during the months of May and June 2025. The selected works, except the winner, will be returned to the authors once the exhibition ends.

The prize for the production of an artistic creation project will have an endowment of €6,000. The winner will receive 50% of the amount when the prize is announced and the remaining 50% when the awarded creative project is delivered.

The project must be carried out within a maximum period of two years. The work can be seen at the next Art Biennale and will become part of the Art Fund of the Diputació de Girona.

The jury will be made up of five people with a recognized career and prestige in the field of visual arts, who will be announced soon.

The call for visual arts refers to the different contemporary visual artistic practices and does not require the physical presentation of works. Each artist can participate in one modality or in both, but with only one proposal for each modality. The request must be submitted by means of a generic instance, together with an enrollment form accessible from the website of the House of Culture, and the documentation indicated for each modality must be attached on the bases in digital format. The House of Culture will take care of the collection and return of the selected pieces.

The period for accepting applications with work and project proposals will be from September 1 to 30, 2024 , through the website .

The rules reserve the possibility for the jury to declare the prize void or to divide the endowments if it deems it appropriate.

You will find the bases in the link

In the last edition, in 2021, the work Su(b)squeda, by the recently deceased Pep Sau (Olot, 1963-2024), was awarded, a photographic work made over the last three years, conceived as an emotional journey through memories and personal experiences of the artist in a place that was already known to him. Sau combined photography and visual and plastic interventions. Pep Sau was the official photographer for RCR Arquitectes and the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. He also collaborated with the Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya and in national and international architecture, landscape and anthropology publications.

The Art Biennial has also honored artists such as Ro Caminal (2019), Àlex Nogué (2017), Quico Estivill (2015), Manel Bayo (2012), Job Ramos (2010), Núria Güell (2008), Pep Aymerich and Xavier Clerk (2006).


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