

Bonart Cultural presents the monograph of bad art 'Art Expandit' at the Ateneu Barcelonès

Joan Brossa, a symbol of commitment to the transgression of an entire generation, is analyzed in this monograph by Rosa Gutiérrez Herranz and Juan Manuel Bonet

Bonart Cultural presents the monograph of bad art 'Art Expandit' at the Ateneu Barcelonès
bonart barcelona - 19/06/24

The Ateneu Barcelonès hosts next June 26 at 6.30 p.m. the presentation by Bonart Cultural of the latest monograph of the Brossa malart: Art Expandit.

During the event, the figure of Joan Brossa will be discussed, both of the people who have worked the most for its dissemination: the gallerist Miguel Marcos. The event will be accompanied by a round table moderated by the journalist, Lídia Penelo; the art adviser to the president of the Vila Casas Foundation, Natàlia Chocarro and the historian and politician Ferran Mascarell. A poetic recital in tribute to the author will conclude the session.

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