

Museu del Disseny Hub presents 'ADI Awards 2024'

L'exposició "Premis ADI 2024" recull els productes seleccionats i premiats a l'edició actual d'aquests guardons, uns objectes que han estat dissenyats durant els darrers dos anys

Foto: Anna Mas
Museu del Disseny Hub presents 'ADI Awards 2024'

The Museu del Disseny Hub Barcelona presents the new temporary exhibition Premis ADI 2024. Industrial design and design culture, a large exhibition that brings together more than 150 products designed and marketed in the last two years, by designers or companies in the country, both in national and international scope. The exhibition can be visited from May 31 to August 25, 2024.

This exhibition is organized by the ADI-FAD (Industrial Design Association for the Promotion of Arts and Design) and collects a total of 164 selected products and projects, from among those presented at the ADI Awards. According to Museum sources, "this is an essential exhibition to know what is happening today in the industrial design sector in our country, as it collects commercialized products from such diverse areas as design for food, digital devices, design for the body, accessories and tools, exterior equipment, interior equipment, lighting, construction materials and elements, mobility and packaging".

Museu del Disseny Hub presents 'ADI Awards 2024' Foto: Anna Mas

The ADI Awards exhibition also includes two honorary awards to companies, entities or people who stand out for their continued trajectory in their commitment to excellence in design, such as: the Delta Trajectòria, awarded to the company of Montesa motorcycles, and the ADI Cultura Trajectòria Award, which this year will be awarded to the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. On the other hand, the exhibition has a more philosophical level of reading for all those who want to delve into some long-debated concepts in the world of thought, referents of our relationship with objects and with the role of design. Through various texts, viewers will be able to discover new concepts from which to interpret the objects in the exhibition from a different perspective.

Museu del Disseny Hub presents 'ADI Awards 2024' Foto: Anna Mas

The Awardees

It should be remembered that the ADI Awards bring together three awards in different areas of design and they are: the Delta Awards for professionals and industrial design companies, awarded since 1961, the ADI Medals for students, which have been awarded since 1976, and the ADI Cultura Awards, started in 2016 and focused on projects that value design culture. It must be said that in this year's call, a total of 164 of the 350 initially presented were selected. The awards will be presented on June 13, 2024, in a ceremony at the Design Hub Barcelona. The exhibition also includes the distinction of the Delta d'Or and Delta de Plata awards.

This year the board awarded the Delta Trajectòria Award to Montesa, a company dedicated to the manufacture of motorcycles for more than seven decades, which, thanks to specialization and the search for excellence, has become one of the oldest companies in the sector. It is also worth noting the 5th edition of the ADI Cultura Awards that this year the ADI Cultura 2024 Jury has decided to award the ADI Cultura Trajectòria Award to the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, for its persistent cultural activity, promoting debate and awareness on issues of 'architecture, town planning, art and design.


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