
The new Morera museum in Lleida closes the month of open doors with 13,500 visitors

L'equipament constata la "satisfacció" del públic per l'obertura de l'espai i l'exposició d'obres amb segell lleidatà

The new Morera museum in Lleida closes the month of open doors with 13,500 visitors
bonart lleida - 14/05/24

The new Morera Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Lleida has received 13,500 visitors during the month of free access to the building and the exhibition, 'Roots and horizons. More than a century of art', with which he has given the start to the new stage of the equipment in the Rambla de Ferran. Thus, visitors were able to tour the six floors of the building, three of which were made up of the Morera collection, which could be seen in its entirety for the first time. Through the interaction with the visiting public, the Museum has been able to verify the "satisfaction" of the citizens to enjoy a space in conditions to learn about the most recent art in Lleida as well as the will to become an artistic and cultural reference .

Apart from appreciating the modern architecture of the building that has changed the image of the Old Courthouse, the public highlights the careful selection of works and artists that are shown in the exhibition tour to narrate the history of the art of the last centuries with a special focus on Lleida creators.

Visits, workshops and more

After this month of open doors, the Morera starts this Tuesday 14 May the daily activity with a program of activities that allows guided visits to the exhibition every Sunday at 11.30am, the visit to the restoration workshop once a month or the development of family and cultural activities.

The entire program can be consulted through the Museum's website ( ), by subscribing to the newsletter or through social networks (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).

From Tuesday, visiting the Museum or doing activities there will require entry, with a price of 5 euros for the general public. For various groups there is a reduced ticket to 2.5 euros and every first Tuesday of the month as well as in certain cases, such as the city's Festival or the International Day of Museums among others, the ticket will be free

Next stop: Museum Day and Night

The next event hosted by the Morera is the celebration of the International Day of Museums, on Saturday 18 May, which this year coincides with the Night of the Museums, the annual event that allows you to visit museums from all over Europe between 8:00 p.m. and 00.00 h.

Throughout the day, entry to the museum will be free and visiting hours will be extended from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 12 p.m. Advance reservation is recommended due to capacity issues.


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