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Call Support to Creation'24. production

The call is open until June 7

Call Support to Creation'24. production
bonart barcelona - 13/05/24

The ”la Caixa” Foundation and the Contemporary Art Collection are opening the new call for Support for Creation'24 . Production to help financially and professionally contemporary artists over 18 and without age limit. A call aimed at artists and groups of artists with nationality and/or residence in Spain or Portugal who have an unpublished project that has the commitment of an external agent to guarantee its exhibition or dissemination.

Support for Creation'24. Production is a biennial program that wants to be an engine for artists who need financial and professional support to produce a work of art that has continuity, and also wants to become a reference in Spain and Portugal.

This call is aimed at artists and collectives of artists over 18 years of age, of Spanish or Portuguese nationality or with residence in Spain or Portugal, who have a project to be carried out or in progress, in collaboration with an external agent (museum, art center or other type of non-profit artistic institution) and that requires to be produced.

The artists, in addition to presenting the proposal and the project calendar, must draw up a budget for production and fees, as well as certify the commitment of a third party involved in the exhibition and/or dissemination of the exhibition work produced and that guarantees its continuity. The production of the selected works will take place during the following two years at most and will have the resources and advice of the ”la Caixa” Foundation exhibition team.

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