

'Apories on the air' in Bôlit

Until May 19, 2024, the air fills all three spaces of the Bòlit Center of Contemporary Art in Girona with new meanings

'Apories on the air' in Bôlit
Zoe Mera girona - 24/04/24

An approach to the air, to what cannot be seen, from different, or even opposite, paradigms and senses. Apories on the air is a tangible reflection on an almost impossible subject. An exhibition curated by Ingrid Guardiola and Olga Subirós, with the works of Maria Arnal, Fito Conesa, Abelardo Gil-Fournier, Núria Merino, Job Ramos, Oriol Riverola, Mireia C. Saladrigues and Pep Vidal. From ecological, scientific, poetic and philosophical points of view, it starts from a premise that has existed for centuries: what is our relationship with the air? Although it has always been a space for scientific observation, it has also been a space for myths, for wars... everything happens through it.

Air is where materiality is lacking. This is how "Apories on the Air" is proposed, a new chapter within the program De rerum natura, on nature, environment and ecosystems, which has hosted past exhibitions such as Cap a les Deus, in 2022, or Petromasculinitats, in 2021. To all three spaces we can explore different sides and interests, from what is visual to what can only be imagined or felt through other senses, quite a challenge for art. If we start with Bòlit_PouRodó, we will see the scientific look of Pep Vidal or Núria Merino, who dissect the air and experiment with what happens in it; as well as Fito Conesa's audiovisual pieces on environmental sensitivity. At Bòlit_StNicolau we find air through sound, with the works of Maria Arnal and Job Ramos.

And at Bòlit_LaRambla we find the video installations of Mireia C. Saladrigues and Abelardo Gil-Fournier, which explore the movement of air and the materials that connect it to the environment. For three months, this exhibition at the Bòlit will be accompanied by a series of activities, from guided tours to screenings at the Truffaut Cinema, family workshops, a performance by Maria Arnal... to bring us closer to the scientific and artistic reflections on display. To approach art from a new perspective and to be able to talk about the set of materiality that makes it up, and the artist as a scientist and as a poet who experiments with this materiality.


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