

The Palau Solterra inaugurates 'Joan Pla. The mistake game

John Plan. The game of equivocation' starts from an extensive donation by the artist to the Vila Casas Foundation, it is a vision of a large part of his artistic production

The Palau Solterra inaugurates 'Joan Pla. The mistake game
bonart torroella de montgrí - 06/02/24

The Vila Casas Foundation. Palau Solterra opens on February 10 at 12 noon. the Joan Pla exhibition. The game of equivocation, curated by Bernat Puigdollers. This exhibition presents a new look at his work as a whole, which is different from that of previous occasions. He abandons the series he usually works with −Cota zero, Les dunes, Subtileses...− to create new visual stories. Following the photographer's aesthetic resources, the selection of images that make up the show seeks to enhance poetic evocation based on the dialogue between images and reveal new meanings to everyday reality.

The work of Joan Pla (Barcelona, 1941-2023) is the result of a late vocation. Despite the fact that he has cultivated photography since he was very young - he started at the age of sixteen - it was not until he was in his fifties that he decided to devote himself fully to it. Since then he has tried to capture with his camera the poetics of the world around him.

Pla lets himself be carried away by the energy and the inevitable attraction of beauty; seek a subtle and sensitive look through order and reason. At times, his photographs fragment and decontextualize reality to reduce it to shapes, volumes and textures. He has often been carried away by the sinuous dance of the dunes, by the unattainable pull of horizons, by the rotund volumes of bodies or by the changing nature of suspended smoke. At other times, it is the dialogue between two or more photographs that, with Brossian resonances, gives the work a particular poetics, which calls into question the reality and the name of each thing. The scenes – always monochrome – take us to the limit of meaning through the association of ideas, ingenuity and reflection.


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