

The Valvi Foundation presents 'Vertigen', by Narcís Gironell

Gironell is an artist with a wide and recognized career who has his own record that is inspired by pop, advertising iconography, the cinematic imagination, urban culture, Japanese aesthetics, popular narratives, etc.

The Valvi Foundation presents 'Vertigen', by Narcís Gironell
bonart girona - 16/01/24

The Valvi Foundation opens on January 16, at 7 p.m., the exhibition Vertigen by Narcís Gironell curated by Pere Parramon.

Gironell's works are creations of happy and shiny appearance, a colorful and luxurious universe with a background that is much more ironic, sinister and critical than it may appear at first glance. Together we could talk about a visual archive of contemporary society with its consumerist tics, its continuous promises, its clichés of perfection and well-being. All these seductive and artificial images hide, however, the double standard that allows innocence, beauty and perfection to be read as a promise of something more carnal and obscure.

In the words of the curator of the exhibition, Pere Parramon, "Vertigo, the title of the great exhibition that accompanies these lines, alludes to the confusion that always causes looking back and taking stock. This is how Narcís Gironell feels, and that is why he has chosen this word. Now, like any good title, it can go beyond the will of its author and be able to reveal even more. Vertigo is also what icons, both religious and lay, revered and admired, revered , imitated and envied, elevated to altars, enthroned, immortalized by papier-mâché, spread in digital avalanches, enveloped in clouds of incense and illuminated by lightning storms. Icons are icons because they rise with the greatness of that that we would like to touch, or that we would like to be touched. What would we feel when caressing the divine taffeta that wrapped Audrey Hepburn? What if Sophia Loren's sacred hand caressed us? Narcís Gironell, knowledgeable of our desires as only shamans and the confessors, he whispers it in our ear: vertigo".


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