

APPEC claims the validity of its founding values

'Métode', 'Gol Esports', 'Diari de Terrassa' and '', awarded at the Night of Catalan Magazines and Press

APPEC claims the validity of its founding values
bonart barcelona - 01/12/23

The APPEC magazine and digital editors celebrated this Thursday the 23rd Night of Magazines and the Catalan Press, where it claimed the validity of its founding values in defense of publications in Catalan as part of the organization's 40th anniversary . As already announced, Mètode, Gol Esports, Diari de Terrassa and have collected the award for best publication. The association has also distinguished the theater company Dagoll Dagom, the organization Plataforma per la Llengua and the podcast Gent de Merda for their commitment to the language. The event took place this evening at the Barcelona Maritime Museum with more than 300 people.

This year's edition, coinciding with the entity's 40th anniversary, has served to reaffirm that APPEC remains "more necessary than ever" in a context marked by "the censorship that the government of the Borriana City Council , in the hands of PP and Vox, applied to several publications published in Catalan in the municipal library, but also at a time of linguistic emergency due to the regression of its social use". In this context and in the face of the current scenario, "the founding values in defense of publications in Catalan continue to be fully valid", APPEC has remarked.

The president of the association, Germà Capdevila, has stressed that APPEC "represents the effort of civil society to build a powerful and representative publishing sector of the country's cultural concerns". In this sense, he recalled that, in 40 years of sustained and unceasing work, they have accompanied the publishing companies "in their birth, growth and consolidation, and from the dozen initial publications, today we have a hundred companies that publish more than 200 magazines and digital media”.

For this reason, he pointed out that the organization "makes sure that the administrations understand that magazines are the gateway to reading and culture, and that they are an indispensable element of Catalonia's national identity. This implies active support that must be increased, either in the form of aid or in the guarantee of its presence in strategic places such as libraries, schools and cultural facilities", claimed Capdevila during his speech .

Twelve mediums awarded and one recognition

La Nit de les Revistes i la Premsa en Català has awarded the award for best publication to Mètode, in the category of Magazines; in Gol Sports, in non-daily Press; in the Diari de Terrassa, in the daily press; and, in Digital.

The distinction for best reporting has gone to Sàpiens for 'Quan érém negrers', in the category of Magazines; in El 9 Nou for 'The liquidation of Carniques Ausa', in Press; and on for 'Terra de mar', in Digital.

Also, La Nit has awarded the prize for best editorial design to Temperatura, in the category of Magazines; El Ripollès, in Press; and Nation Polis, in Digital. In addition, Catarsi, in the category of Magazines, and Som Rurals, in Press, have won the award for best cover, a decision made through popular vote.

In each edition, the Night commemorates the career of the media and, this year, has honored Món Econòmic for its 25th anniversary.

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