

'No somos sin los otros', a project by César Martínez at the Mas Casadevall Autisme Foundation

La Fundació Lluís Coromina ha engegat una línia de col·laboració artística amb aquesta entitat del Pla de l'Estany que treballa amb persones TEA (Trastorns de l'Espectre de l'Autisme)

'No somos sin los otros', a project by César Martínez at the Mas Casadevall Autisme Foundation
bonart serinya - 07/11/23

The Lluis Coromina Foundation has invited the Mexican artist César Martínez to spend a month in Banyoles and develop the project No somos sin los otros. Cooking the future with Integral Art at the Mas Casadevall Autisme Foundation.

César Martínez is an artist whose career is marked by creating sculptures that live, breathe and are filled with light in front of the public. His work as an artist has gone through different conceptual contributions and technical supports, using gunpowder and dynamite for artistic purposes "deconstructing the destructive", creating with what destroys; as well as the use of electronic and digital media in various media, both on screen and interactive performances. The creation of edible and digestible human sculptures has earned him the opportunity to show and taste his work in different countries. Trade Agreement.

'No somos sin los otros', a project by César Martínez at the Mas Casadevall Autisme Foundation Alguns dels integrants i col·laboradors de la proposta, entre ells l'artista Marcel·lí Antúnez i la seva companya Begoña Egurbide.

During your stay, with footprints and impressions of some of the residents of the Fundació Autisme Mas Casadevall, their bodily testimonies as well as the sensations these people have of reality, we use the resource of using your hands with everything that this implies: greeting, trust, friendship, solidarity, complicity, integration and perseverance.

'No somos sin los otros', a project by César Martínez at the Mas Casadevall Autisme Foundation D'esquerra a dreta, Roc Parès i César Martínez

Martínez has set up human wax sculptures and edible sculptures, many of which are reproductions of the human body, these reproductions were offered to the public on November 2 as food and tasting in a performance in the Sala Manel Ventura of the Fundació Autisme Mas Casadevall .

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