

The artist Pau Baena dies

The painter trained with master Domènec Fita

The artist Pau Baena dies
bonart girona - 07/11/23

The artist from Girona (1961, Córdoba) Pau Baena has died at the age of sixty-two, after he had been diagnosed with a serious illness some time ago. Although he was born in Andalusia, Baena arrived in Girona at the age of nine and then studied at the Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts of Sant Jordi (Barcelona), as he also trained with Domènec Fita and obtained a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, and specialized in engraving in Paris, and in the design sector in Italy. It is for this reason that Baena is considered a multidisciplinary artist.

With regard to his professional career, Pau Baena exhibited at the Vila Casas Foundation, at the Engelhorn Foundation as well as his work is present in the art fund of the Generalitat de Catalunya, in the collections of the Museu d 'Girona's Art and History Museum, as well as the Uppsala Art Museum (Sweden).

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