

Jordi Bosch and a group of the Panoràmic Festival 2023 at the Lluís Coromina Foundation

Cinema and photography fill the halls of La Fundació in Barcelona and Banyoles

Jordi Bosch and a group of the Panoràmic Festival 2023 at the Lluís Coromina Foundation
bonart barcelona - 07/11/23

The Lluís Coromina Foundation hosts the opening of the collective exhibition Panoràmic Festival 2023 on November 9 at 7 pm at the Espai Isern Dalmau in Barcelona.

Within this year's Panoràmic Festival, the exhibition presents the creative videos of five artists: Pilar Rosado, Zach Blas, Anaisa Franco, Varvara Guljajeva and Mar Canet. The Panoramic Festival explores the relationship between still image and moving image. The projects presented this year at Espai Isern Dalmau work with the relationship between the face and artificial intelligence. The common thread of the videos is rethinking the face, measuring it, reading it and deciphering it. The recent and controversial facial recognition systems are the latest expression of a long-cherished yearning. At different times the search has had different objectives. Since the appearance of photography, temptation has been clothed in affectivity, in a scientific halo.

For his bandam The Lluís Coromina Foundation inaugurates on November 10, at 7 p.m. at the Espai Eat Art in Banyoles, the exhibition An exhibition for a film , by the artist Jordi Bosch, Barraca. The exhibition is a selection of works from his career for the financing of the film Els colors del blanc, by Nil Pagès and Martí Colomer, a film that revolves around the plastic art of the artist and the mountain. In 1985, Barraca started a new plastic language dubbed by the art critic Jaume Fàbrega with the name "Nivopintura", which is based on an ephemeral pictorial action that uses snow as a support.

In An Exhibition for a Film, the artist will show everything from pencil sculptures from 1981, to the Wooden Stairs (2003 - present), as well as part of the pictorial series Urban Spiders. In addition, Barraca will repeat the intervention made at ARCO-86: a roll of paint put up for sale in pams. The exhibition will also feature the projection of images from "Nivopintures" and the film's trailer.


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