

Retrospective of Jacint Salvadó at Sala Dalmau

Retrospective of Jacint Salvadó at Sala Dalmau
bonart barcelona - 17/10/23

Sala Dalmau is exhibiting until November 10 the exhibition Jacint Salvadó - A Retrospective, a retrospective exhibition dedicated to Jacint Salvadó, a reference in geometric abstraction of the 20th century.

Jacint Salvadó - A retrospective covers from his beginnings in abstraction in the 30s to the colorful geometry of his last years, passing through his informalist period. It is a careful selection that analyzes the different periods of his career. Jacint Salvadó participated in the avant-garde attached to the so-called Escuela de Paris. The formative years of this artist are marked by contact with Noucentisme in Barcelona. His interest in the technique of fresco painting during its beginnings will provide him with his first work after his arrival in Paris in 1919, a city he had already visited previously when his vocation was not yet consolidated. Working for the painter Marcel Lenoir, Salvadó gradually began to make a name for himself, coming into contact with the artists of his generation. His training with the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle during his years at the La Grande Chaumière academy will be enormously enriching, he will visit avant-garde art exhibitions and meet Jacques Lipchitz and Ossip Zadkine.

His participation in the Salon des Tuileries on the recommendation of the critic Waldemar George led the artist to sign an exclusivity contract with the prestigious Bing gallery. During the thirties and part of the forties, Salvadó combines abstraction and figuration. In 1931 he returned to Spain where he began to search for his own language far from any connection with artistic environments. Through the Allianz association in Zurich, the city to which he moves, he will come into contact with the generation of concrete artists of which Salvadó will be part and among which there were names such as Max Bill, Jean Arp, Sophie Taeuber- Arp, Paul Klee or Le Corbusier. During these years the Spanish artist consolidates a geometric painting that will remain until the mid-fifties, when he reintroduces the figure. After his experience from 1948 to 1956 at the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles and his passage through informalism that brought back the lost media resonance, Salvadó recovered geometric abstraction at the beginning of the seventies.


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