2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


'Not yet', by Enric Farrés at Bombon Projects

'Not yet', by Enric Farrés at Bombon Projects
bonart barcelona - 07/09/23

Bombon Projects inaugurates Encara no, by Enric Farrés Duran on the 14th as part of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend .

Enric Farrés Duran is a storyteller, someone who continuously blurs the line between what is real and fictional. His work is articulated through research, coincidences and fortuitous encounters, as well as the possibility of establishing connections between different places, objects and circumstances. Farrés Duran creates narratives that reveal hidden and unexpected relationships, which in some cases involve different times and places. The story – narrated and written – plays an essential role in this process, and the information it provides is essential for us to become involved in the process and the connections it establishes. His projects are formalized in installations, guided tours, books and videos.

Unraveling the mechanisms of the gaze is as complex as trying to uncover the internal mechanisms that make works of art possible. In this exhibition, Farrés Duran plays with evidence, longings and desires – both physical and conceptual – that usually go unnoticed in our immediate surroundings. Through the works we will see the invisible work of everything that surrounds and participates in an exhibition process, but also of everything that is around us. Perhaps it's about experiencing how the filters – internal and external – that allow us to see, at the same time, also hide. In this way, from a provocative and mysterious perspective, the artist invites us to question the correct way of perceiving our surroundings, celebrating a strangeness in relation to the works, the mechanisms of art and ourselves . An exercise in defocusing the gaze to see ourselves, almost without wanting to, touch with our eyes what escapes our understanding.


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