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"Tros de dona", one claims the role of women in the Museum of Rural Life

"Tros de dona", one claims the role of women in the Museum of Rural Life
bonart l'espluga de francolí - 01/08/23

The Museu de la Vida Rural hosts Tros de dona, an exhibition about the history of women in the countryside and contemporary art, which claims the role of women throughout history by highlighting the many daily tasks necessary for sustenance of life; often invisible, but essential tasks. Tasks that need new perspectives to achieve a different future with real co-responsibility.

Curated by Anna Maria Andevert, this new exhibition is the result of a research project promoted by the Museum and carried out by Catalina Gayà Morlà, Judith Ruiz Crosas and Laia Seró Moreno on the presence of women in the Museum's permanent exhibition . As a result of this research and a joint work with forty women from the immediate environment, it is evident that the ethnological account puts the focus on material and productive tasks, overshadowing those vital and essential such as reproductive tasks . That is why the aim of this exhibition is to recognize the value of all these tasks but also the importance of the role of women in educational, affective, environmental, health, physical, social and domestic matters.

The exhibition is structured in four areas (house, street, body and land) and consists of a large number of pieces from the Museum's collection (some never exhibited until now). The exhibition contains artistic installations, video art, sculptures, engravings, photographs or infographics, among other disciplines. During the tour, the ethnographic and historical pieces dialogue with contemporary artistic works by creators such as the photographer Joana Biarnés, the artists Maria Ruido, Anna Dot, Mercedes Pimiento, Beatrice Bizot, Mònica Galera or the collective of women artists Leftovers.

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