2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Four temporary exhibitions in Blanes

Four temporary exhibitions in Blanes
bonart blanes - 01/08/23

From the 11th to the 31st of August you can visit the photographic exhibition of the 26th edition of the Blanes Festival Photo Contest at Casa Saladrigas in Blanes. On the other hand, during these days the City Council of Blanes has organized an exhibition of sculptures by Juan de la Cruz entitled Reencontre improbables a Casa Saladrigas which can be visited until July 29.

As well as during these days you can see the exhibition Blanes in the time of the Cabrera in the Sala M. Luisa García-Tornél until July 31. A series of activities have been programmed for this exhibition, such as a cycle of lectures by Elvis Mallorquí, Jordi Tura and Antoni Ginot and guided tours with prior registration and limited places. The fourth exhibition organized by the Blanes council is that of the artist Mikel Muñoz Intuición from August 5 to 25 at Sala García Tornél.


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