

Remembering Romà Vallès - 100 years

Remembering Romà Vallès - 100 years
bonart teia - 31/05/23

Remembering Romà Vallès - 100 years commemorates the centenary of the artist's birth with a series of activities and proposals to celebrate the figure and work of Romà Vallès.

During the last months of his life, Romà Vallès asked his daughter, Isabel Vallès, and his granddaughter, Lídia Alcolea, to work together in passing on the family legacy: paintings, drawings, correspondence, studies, library, videos , photographs, exhibition catalogs... so that they were responsible for spreading and communicating his pictorial career through his life and his works.

Since 2015, the year of his death, the commission made up of Isabel Vallès, Lídia Alcolea, Elena Torras and Laura Pastor has been doing a very careful search of the family fund. His work is being studied and catalogued, and historians, gallerists, artists and friends of the painter are being contacted to disseminate his more personal life and his artistic work. Numerous publications have been made about Romà Vallès throughout his life, and the aim of this commission is to give a more personalized view of his work and put it in the context of the 21st century, so that the new generations continue to work and study his legacy.

Some of the most relevant personalities in the life of Romà Vallès were René Metras (gallerist), Alexandre Cirici i Pellicer (writer), Juan-Eduardo Cirlot (poet and art critic), José Corredor-Matheos (poet, art critic art and historian), Joan Brossa (poet and artist), Joan Perucho (writer), Jordi Cerdà (artist), Ricard Planas (art critic and editor), Ángel Crespo (poet and essayist), Pilar Gómez Bedate (writer and editor), Carlos Antonio Arean (poet, critic and exhibition curator), Lourdes Cirlot (art historian and researcher), Daniel Giralt-Miracle (art critic), Conxita Oliver (art critic), Joan Gil (art critic), Joan Casellas (artist)...

From June 2 to 5 you can visit the Romà Vallès exhibition in Teià. The exhibition is a recognition of his presence in the village. A work based on affection and a return of his disciples, Jordi Cerdà, Joan Casellas and Victòria Pujadas, to his teachings and friendship. As the subject of the exhibition, a total of 15 pictorial works and numerous documents and memories, long talks and cosmic visions under the Milky Way that crosses the gable roof of Can Monac.

This exhibition is born from the desire to highlight the presence of the artist Romà Vallès in Teià in relation to the centenary of his birth (1923-2023). In 1968, the painter Roma Vallès moved into the Gothic farmhouse of Can Monac de Teià, a space that became the main scene of his artistic production for thirty-two years. The Gothic space of the farmhouse and its surroundings provide him with the ideal environment to develop his abstract paintings, and he makes this clear in numerous quotations and photographs published in his monographic catalogues.

Over the years, Romà Vallès left a total of 28 works in public and private collections to Teià. With this background we dress the exhibition. Despite the self-imposed limitation of exhibiting only the works that have remained in Teià, we can show examples of almost all the series that Romà Vallès produced until he left the studio in 2001. Cosmogonies White series and Collage The broken world of the years sixty; Blooms, Four elements and New concepts of the seventies; the series Signs of the eighties, and Nous spaces and Entre segles, from the nineties.

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