

Last days to visit "Zush in Ibiza" at the Suñol Foundation

otografies de Santi Periel. Zush a Eivissa. Fundació Suñol, 2023.
Last days to visit "Zush in Ibiza" at the Suñol Foundation

The Zush exhibition in Ibiza is a monographic exhibition that coincides with the twentieth anniversary of the creation of the Suñol Foundation and which has been organized in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ibiza and curated by Xavier de Luca, Enrique Juncosa and the director of the Ibizan museum, Elena Ruiz. It will be possible to see several works that the Barcelona artist created during the period in which he lived on the island of Ibiza, between the years 1968 and 1983, where he fled after being admitted to an asylum for drug use drugs, and which coincided "with a moment of high creativity in which Zush experimented with very diverse formats and techniques, such as fluorescent paint illuminated by black light", according to the curators.

Albert Porta (Barcelona, 1946), known as Zush since 1968 and as Evru since 2001, presents himself at the Suñol Foundation confirming his pioneering role in different areas. The artist has defended for decades one of the central issues in contemporary art: the importance of meaning and identity issues. From the beginning of its career, Zush/Evru moved away from formalist approaches, anticipating the need to create new narratives and discourses. This diversity of artistic proposals is reflected in this exhibition, which shows a selection of works in the space formerly known as Gallery 2, currently the headquarters of the Suñol Foundation, where in 1984 Zush began a two-year artistic residency.

The artist moves away from formalist approaches, anticipating the need to create new narratives and non-dogmatic discourses. The protean work of Zush/Evru is permeable, and can be related to pop art, surrealism, automatic writing, conceptual art, neo-expressionism, performance , art as therapy, the collaborative practices and relational art, political art, digital art, or understanding art as something magical and ritual.

During the years in Ibiza, Zush develops and consolidates his characteristic language, and makes himself known internationally by exhibiting individually in several countries and participating in important collectives on the Zeitgeist of the moment, such as the Sydney and São Paulo Biennials or Recent European Painting at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

The Zush exhibition in Ibiza has been accompanied by a public and educational program to deepen the artist's relationship with the Suñol Foundation, and will include several dialogue visits and other activities such as a round table. The unclassifiable artist, the creator with two identities that coexist in art and in the person, has his own codes and universes, also pictorial. The shaven-headed artist with a blue line running from his skull to the middle of his back, a galaxy that allows him to communicate in his own way with other mortals, is finally getting the exposure he deserves and that dazzles the Suñol Foundation.

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