2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


New East Festival at the Digital Arts Center in Barcelona

New East Festival at the Digital Arts Center in Barcelona
bonart barcelona - 14/05/23

From the 11th to the 14th of May, the New East Festival will be held at the Ideal Center for Digital Arts in Barcelona, located on Calle Doctor Trueta, number 196-98.

New East Festival is a multimedia exhibition that shares innovative work by contemporary photographers from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Many of these photographers document their communities in new and unexpected lights as their countries take a new place on the world stage, reclaiming their identities and their voices after decades of Soviet imperialism. Others look inward, charting individual journeys of discovery.

New East Festival at the Digital Arts Center in Barcelona

The multimedia exhibition of the New East Festival has been co-produced by Calvert 22 Foundation and Layers of Reality, together with the innovative works of contemporary photographers from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In addition, the exhibition is accompanied by the hand of the multi-instrumentalist producer of Armenian origin Hayk Karovi and the Polish feminist punk duo Siska.
As a curiosity, it should be remembered that the expression New East was first used in The Calvert Journal, a digital magazine based in the United Kingdom that dealt with the arts and culture of the region between the years 2013 and 2022 This means of communication sought to find a new, much more contemporary term that would suit the current reality of the area that today we understand as post-Soviet space.

It should be noted that the Festival had two live performances on the nights of May 12 and 13, by the Armenian multinational producer Hayk Karoyi and the punk duo Siksa.


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