2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Canals Galeria d'Art celebrates its anniversary with "50 years, 50 artists"

Canals Galeria d'Art celebrates its anniversary with "50 years, 50 artists"
bonart sant cugat del vallès - 22/03/23

Canals Galeria d'Art de Sant Cugat opens on March 31st the commemorative exhibition of the gallery's 50th anniversary 50 years, 50 artists.

Created by Josep Canals, the gallery was born in 1973, at the end of the Franco regime. In those years Sant Cugat experienced a remarkable artistic resurgence with the Catalan Tapestry School and the International School of Mural Painting. Both places attracted the attention of the cultural world and many artists discovered a place of art in the country. In this context, Canals creates the first professional art space in Sant Cugat. The first exhibition that was held was of artists from the Vallès, as a sample of the art rooted in the region.

From the very beginning, the Canals gallery engaged with artists from the country and the locality. In this way, this art space has collected the evolution of art from the seventies -expressionism, postmodernity-. It is a transformative moment in society with the entry of aesthetic movements such as abstraction, neo-expressionism, or conceptual art.

At the first shows, artists linked to the gallerist, through the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona and also the Catalan Tapestry School such as Joaquim Chancho, Jaume Muxart, Josep Tharrats, Ràfols-Casamada, etc. .

The present exhibition is a compilation of the trends and creators exhibited and the evolution of Catalan art in the last fifty years. It is a retrospective aesthetic look, which recovers a past time. This is the central display of the exhibitions that the Canals Gallery holds throughout the year on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, and where 50 works by artists who exhibit regularly in this space are exhibited. It is the contribution of a county gallery to the art of our time.

The participating artists are exponents of the evolution of Catalan art in the 20th and early 21st centuries. Different generations of men and women who have marked modernity are shown again in Canals Galeria d'Art.

This is a very significant exhibition for the Canals Gallery because it is part of its history and also of mid-century Catalan art. The participating artists are: Pep Agut, Carmen Anzano, Daniel Argimon, Sergi Barnils, Alfons Borrell, Cabanas-Alibau, Tom Carr, Martín Carral, Francesc Casademont, Antoni Clavé, Neus Colet, Codina-Esteve, Pep Codó, Modest Cuixart, Dalí , Carles Delclaux, Teresa Farrés, Lourdes Fisa, Domènec Fita, Pere Formiguera, Fornells-Pla, Elvira Fustero, Grau Garriga, Josep Guinovart, Ramon Herreros, Conxa Ibáñez, Salvador Joanpere, Daniel Lleixà, Joan Pere Massana, Joan Miró, Jaume Muxart , Àlex Nogué, Joan Panisello, Pilar Perdices, Pla-Narbona, Enric Pladevall, Joan Ponç, Ràfols-Casamada, Mª Assumpció Raventós, Àngels Ribé, Amèlia Riera, Josep Royo, Gerard Sala, Josep Mª Subirats, Antoni Tàpies, JJ Tharrats, Josep Uclés, Romà Vallès, Vicenç Vilaplana and Joan Pere Viladecans.

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