

The Government exhibition hall presents the exhibition program for 2023

The Government exhibition hall presents the exhibition program for 2023
bonart andorra la vella - 25/01/23

The exhibition hall of the Government of Andorra starts the new season with a program that includes exhibitions by Jaume Riba. Caminat, Notes on the Anthropocene and Lita Cabellut – which can be visited during the 2023 season. As explained by Sílvia Riva, Minister of Culture and Sports, this program is designed in accordance with the exhibition policy that the Ministry has adopted since opening the new hall in Central Park last year. In this way, and as Riva has highlighted, "we provide continuity and reinforce our exhibition policy by opting for a great exhibition by a long-standing local artist, to give support and visibility to the country's contemporary artists and bring the great references closer together international art to the public of the country".

Next, the presentation event was also the occasion to present to Andorra the 196th issue of the Bonart magazine, which in its last edition devoted special attention to the role of Andorra in the context of artistic creation current through an extensiveinterview with Sílvia Riva and a report on the present and future of Andorran artistic production .

The Government exhibition hall presents the exhibition program for 2023

To conclude the event, a round table took place that collected the assessments and impressions around The value of international cooperation between artists: professionalization of creators and cultural diplomacy between States, by the Andorran photographer and resident of Faberllull Olot , Naiara Escabias; the Andorran plastic artist and curator of the international Art Camp project, Faust Campamà; the head of the Knowledge, Innovation and Residencies program at the Ramon Llull Institute, Àlex Hinojo, and the art historian, technician at the Ministry of Culture and head of Faber Andorra, Meritxell Blanco.

Exhibition season

The inauguration of the Jaume Riba exhibition will take place on March 7. Walking, it shows that it will mark the beginning of the programming of the year 2023. Jaume Riba. Caminant is part of the Trajectories cycle, created to pay tribute to established artists in the country. Curated by Natàlia Montané, with the collaboration of Dúnia Ambatlle and Jordi Batlle, it presents a selection of works by the photographer from Ordinance over 30 years of photographic work. The exhibition can be visited until May 14.

Next, Notes on the Anthropocene will be the collaboration between the Government of Andorra and the contemporary art gallery Pigment (Barcelona), a joint work that goes beyond the exhibition itself to promote a work of reciprocity and which will bring together the work of national and international artists. Rosa Galindo, Diego Ferrari, Rubén Martín de Lucas, Mario Pascaloto and Manu vb Tintoré will be present, as far as the internationals are concerned, and Emma Regada and Jordi Casamajor make up the national representation. Curated by the English writer, researcher and teacher Jean McNeil, this collective will present the work of these artists who, with various techniques and disciplines, express the relationship with nature, specifically the ambivalence and ambiguity of living in the 'Anthropocene.

The Government exhibition hall will also devote special attention to the work of Lita Cabellut with an exhibition in which women, as the subject most treated by Lita Cabellut, will be the protagonist. Curated by Carlos Teixidó and Carme Soler, Lita Cabellut will collect the most recent creation of the artist from the period between 2015 and 2023 and where women, naked or clothed, authentic, with deep and challenging looks, are presented from the creative beauty and the 'emotional and conceptual evocation through the impact of the artist's intention. The work of Lita Cabellut The exhibition can be seen from October 14 to January 7, 2024.

Research exhibition for 2024

The Cultural Action Area, with the aim of attracting the country's young population to the national exhibition hall, also works to promote a show to bring contemporary art closer to new generations. Curated by Meritxell Blanco and Héctor Mas, the exhibition will focus on works that use new languages and new formats with the intention that young people feel questioned and, at the same time, represented. Likewise, the aim is to stimulate interaction with visitors, which is why an immersive exhibition design is being projected that moves away from classic contemplation; with this, it is also intended to question the traditional categories and formats of art. The main theme of the exhibition will revolve around art as a device that helps us reflect, allows us to express what we feel and think and helps us defend our ideas.

The Government Exhibition Hall, located in the Central Park of Andorra la Vella, remains open from Tuesday afternoon to Sunday morning, from 10.30am to 2pm and from 3.30pm to 8pm. Some parallel activities, as well as the inaugurations, can be held in the afternoon/night.

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