

The Museu del Suro de Catalunya presents "Intersection" by Eduard Bigas

The Museu del Suro de Catalunya presents "Intersection" by Eduard Bigas
bonart palafrugell - 24/01/23

The Museu del Suro de Catalunya in Palafrugell starts the year with the exhibition Intersection by the international painter Eduard Bigas. The exhibition curated by Ricard Planas of Bonart cultural is the beginning of a cycle of various exhibitions. The Manufactures room for temporary exhibitions will host the opening on January 28 at 7:00 p.m. and can be visited until March 26.

Eduard Bigas is a Catalan painter, born in 1969, in Palafrugell. He currently lives and works in Berlin. Already from his beginnings in the world of art he showed an innate talent for drawing and painting. During his formative years in Palafrugell, he was closely associated with already established painters in the town such as Josep Martinell, Modest Cuixart, Floreal Radresa, Rodolfo Candelaria and Tano Pisano.

From his first solo exhibition in 1990 at the Sala d'Art L'Artística Girona he began to travel driven by an unstoppable impulse to see the world. He spent a few months in Sydney and New York and returned from these residences with several series of drawings inspired by these trips. In 2002 he moved to London, where he showed his work in exhibitions at the Brick Lane Gallery and the Nettie Horn Gallery. Currently, for more than ten years, Berlin has been the center of his artistic and personal life. His latest work has been exhibited in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Venice and Taiwan.

So this year, different spaces from all over Catalonia, and more intensely in Palafrugell, are aligning themselves to claim more and better this artist who has consolidated a solid career in the international artistic sphere. As Ricard Planas says; The artist creates a poetic and atmospheric metaphysical surrealism, lyrical and forceful, which appeals to the history of painting. Works that evoke references to landscapes with watercolors - the method of painting with water also as inspiration - by Durer, or romantic paintings such as those of Caspar David Friedrich. Works that breathe nods to contemporary modern authors, from Salvador Dalí and Modest Cuixart to Mark Rothko.

In this first exhibition, entitled Intersection - a title borrowed from the 1953 album by the musician Morton Feldman, of which the artist is enthusiastic - you will be able to see a selection of works that basically includes thirty paintings on canvas from 2015 and until now. Intersection is the visualization of an intersection of knowledge, feelings and coincidences and causalities that close a cycle of Eduard Bigas' existence.

As Tom Pugh, art historian and writer, says: “Eduard Bigas works with oils, ink, pastels, acrylics, waxes and pencils, often at the same time, in a tireless quest to render and reveal even the most intimate corners depths of his unique imagination. His paintings rarely feature recognizable figurative elements, although they are often inspired by the human form – the curve of an arm or a shoulder – sometimes open and inviting, sometimes reserved and cautious. Instead, it is actively exploring the exact point at which emotion (or “dream”) blurs engagement with reality (or “life”). Bigas does not expect or want us to understand his work; hope to meet us on a more visceral level. The artist's characteristic ingredients are a delicate control of light and tone, exquisite drawing, attention to color and line, a strong sense of movement and a sense of organic form. His work shows us the tension between what we want and what we have, and our fear that even that doesn't really belong to us."

Accompanying the exhibition you will be able to see a capsule taken from the documentary about Eduard Bigas in his studio in Berlin made by Pol Álvaro with photography by Laia Palomeras and which will form part of the whole exhibition throughout the year.


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