

The Museum of Lleida inaugurates "Imago Urbis"

The Museum of Lleida inaugurates "Imago Urbis"
bonart lleida - 23/02/22

The Museum of Lleida presents, from February 25 to June 12, Imago Urbis exhibition that shows us the image of a splendid, lively and active city, which has closed the cycle of the medieval city and just before the transformation due to the international wars of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which will lead the city to a collapse from which it will not recover until almost 200 years later. The 16th century Lleida has more than 6,000 inhabitants, with a very intense occupation of urban land, and has an important commercial activity, not only with the adjacent territories, but also with Flanders or Italy. With a prominent agricultural and industrial area, Lleida is the fourth most populous city in the Crown of Aragon.

The exhibition shows the large-scale reproduction of an important document preserved in the National Library of Austria: a drawing of the city of Lleida, made by Antoon van den Wijngaerde in 1563, commissioned by the then King of Spain. Philip II, and that gives the idea of the importance of the city at that time. In addition, the entire ensemble of the so-called tern of Pope Calixtus III and an Eccehomo from the Augustinian convent of Cappont will be exhibited for the first time. The exhibition also has loans from the Paeria de Lleida, the Archaeological Archive of Lleida, the Public Library of Lleida and the Design Museum of Barcelona.

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