

Visual Arts Competition Miquel Casablancas Award 2022

Visual Arts Competition Miquel Casablancas Award 2022
bonart barcelona - 02/02/22

Sant Andreu Contemporani opens the call for the Visual Arts Competition Miquel Casablancas Award 2022, a national art award of national scope that includes four categories: Work, Project, Mediation and Graphic Communication. The creative people, individually, and artistic groups, national or foreign, resident in Spain, born after January 1, 1986, can compete.

In the case of groups, at least half of the members must be in compliance with these requirements. Participation in the call implies full acceptance of the rules.

Proposals will be submitted exclusively online. Those interested in participating must complete the registration forms.

For the registration to be successful, it is essential to fill in the forms correctly and respect the format and weight indicated for images and attached documents. Creative people who use audiovisual media in their work can attach links for viewing (personal websites, blogs, Vimeo, Youtube…). If the information on the forms is not completed in full, the application will be rejected. The deadline for online registration is March 15 at 24 hours. The jury for this edition consists of Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo (researcher and curator), Albert Mercadé (art historian and curator) and the winner of the SAC International Curatorial Residency Program 2022.

You can consult the competition rules at the following link


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