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Call for 'Alliances for a cultural democracy' of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation

Aimed at projects involving cultural institutions, public administrations, organizations and professionals specialized in the field of cultural/artistic mediation, as well as third sector organizations

Call for 'Alliances for a cultural democracy' of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation
bonart madrid - 04/04/24

The call 'Alliances for a cultural democracy' aims to enable cultural democracy, the full participation of citizens in cultural life, through the tool of mediation exercised by an alliance of various cultural agents. The third edition of this biennial call, framed within the line of Mediation and Cultural Democracy of the Art Ciutadà axis of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, will have the reception of projects open until May 16.

This commitment to reevaluate the role of cultural mediation is based on ODS 17 (Alliances), which aims to "encourage and promote the establishment of effective alliances in the public, public-private and civil society spheres, taking advantage the experience and strategies of obtaining resources of the alliances". The line of action "Mediation and cultural democracy" aims to blur the usual borders between society and administrations, entities and cultural institutions, in order to contribute to greater cultural democracy. "For the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation it is important to imagine other worlds where society has the possibility to develop sensitivity and critical thinking. Art has this potential to promote social transformation and we believe that the best way to achieve this is weaving sustainable alliances," says Lucía Casani, director for Spain of the Foundation.

The "Alliances for a cultural democracy" call is aimed at initiatives carried out between several of the following agents: public or private cultural institutions, organizations and professionals in the field of cultural/artistic mediation, public administrations and third sector entities. The projects presented there must, through transformative practices of cultural/artistic mediation, promote greater cultural democracy, generating lasting bonds to facilitate the full participation of citizens and all this articulated around a specific social challenge. In this way, the entities will be allowed to do collective work that guarantees the cultural rights of all individuals.

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