

Call for the Berta Casas Scholarship

La beca vol incentivar a historiadors, crítics d’art i altres professionals del sector cultural amb l’objectiu de potenciar la recerca d’artistes contemporanis catalans o moviments/institucions que no s’hagin potenciat històricament

"Fotografies fetes durant la campanya de la Lliga de Catalunya per diversos pobles i ciutats de Girona a l'abril i el maig de 1977. Apareixen: Lluïsa Roca, Lluïsa Ortínez i Marga Latorre. Centre d’Estudis i Documentació. MACBA"
Call for the Berta Casas Scholarship
bonart girona - 20/12/23

The Atrium Artis and cultural bonart Foundation, with the collaboration of the Lluís Coromina Foundation and the Gironí Excursionista and Sports Group (GEiEG), are convening the Berta Casas Scholarship which aims to promote the research of contemporary Catalan artists or movements / Catalan institutions or with headquarters in Catalonia that have not been strengthened enough or at all historiographically/artigraphically. The call aims to promote research and investigation into contemporary art, as well as the critical exploration of its methodologies, and encourage the documentation, publication and dissemination of contemporary artistic research.

The projects presented at this second edition may be in the process of being completed or may be newly created in the field of contemporary art. The scholarship aims to encourage historians, art critics and other professionals in the cultural sector with the aim of enhancing the research of contemporary Catalan artists or movements/institutions that have not been promoted historically. The priority objective of the convening entities is to support research and investigation into contemporary art and its environment. Understanding artistic practice as a generator of knowledge. The financial endowment is €2,000 and projects can be submitted until 04/30/24.

Daniel Gasol, winner of the first edition

The artist and researcher Daniel Gasol won the first call for the Berta Casas Scholarship. The project that was awarded a grant entitled Vídeo Nou: artistic mediation during the post-Franco regime revolves around the research and investigation of the Vídeo Nou collective, a group of multidisciplinary artists born in Barcelona at the end of the 70s. The month of March of 2024 is to present the work and the publication at the Espai d'Art Contemporani Les Bernardes de Salt and the MACBA - Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona.


The jury is made up of Robert Fàbregas, director of Les Bernardes; Ricard Planas, editor of bonart and director of the Lluís Coromina foundation; the artist Daniel Gasol and Júlia Bou, member of the Board of Trustees of the Atrium Artis Foundation, as secretary.

Berta Casas The cultural activist Berta Casas was a key part of cultural initiatives and the promotion of artists in the city of Girona. With a dialogical, positive, entrepreneurial and rigorous temperament, he encouraged activities and exhibitions in support of the arts and culture, at the Only Art Gallery and at the Can Ninetes civic center in the Santa Eugènia neighborhood, at the culture house of Les Bernardes and the Iu Bohigas library of the Coma-Cros Factory in Salt. And, above all, he was the soul of the Atrium Artis Foundation for many years.

More information and basis of the call

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