2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Es Baluard calls a senior management competition

The closing date for submitting candidacies is February 6, 2024 and the evaluation committee will be made up of experts and professionals of recognized prestige in the field of art and center management

Es Baluard calls a senior management competition
bonart palm - 19/12/23

The Fundació Es Baluard Museu d'Art Contemporani de Palma is calling for a senior management competition to fill the position of director of Es Baluard with the mission of managing, programming, administering, as well as promoting cultural and educational activities and to represent the museum. It is the intention of the Es Baluard Foundation to follow good practices in the management of museums and art centers, in the sense of exercising a transparent, democratic and participative cultural management, which therefore makes it an independent jury of experts who elects the best project for the Museum and the most suitable candidate to take over the Directorate. The closing date for submitting candidacies is February 6, 2024. Candidates for the position, in addition to submitting documentation proving their professional training and experience, must develop a preliminary management and museological project that includes the objectives and lines to follow for the next four years and a programming proposal for the first two years. The Evaluation Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee of the Foundation, will be made up of five experts and professionals of recognized prestige in the field of art and center management. The names of the people who make up the Evaluation Commission will be announced before the end of the deadline for submitting candidacies.

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