

Manifesta 15 open call

These projects will be part of the main biennial program and will be presented in the 12 municipalities that will host Manifesta 15 from September 8 to November 24, 2024

Manifesta 15 open call
bonart barcelona - 27/11/23

On the occasion of the 15th edition of the European Nomad Biennial, which will be held in Barcelona and in 11 cities in the metropolitan region, Manifesta 15 invites you to propose projects that present new and visionary approaches to the ecological transition we are facing globally.

Manifesta 15 invites creators to make proposals that not only question the view of the metropolitan region but also offer solutions, ideas and innovative projects to regenerate social cohesion. Manifesta 15 is looking for individuals, groups, communities, institutions or associations to create an impactful experience for its visitors during the 80 days of the biennale.

Manifesta 15 offers a variety of funding models ranging from €10,000 to €15,000 (including taxes and contributions to participants as described below) depending on the scale and complexity of the proposed project. The Manifesta 15 open call will be overseen by a national and international jury that will select between 10 and 15 projects to be included in the biennial program.

Candidates can propose projects that will be shown in one of the main Manifesta 15 Barcelona headquarters in the 12 host cities. The Manifesta 15 team will select which spaces will host the selected projects.

The proposal must include:

  • A description of the project in English, 500 words maximum
  • Project details, presentation format and support, such as: performance, exhibition, event, garden, playground, etc.
  • Highlight whether your project already exists, will be re-adapted or will be newly created for Manifesta 15 Barcelona (all versions are accepted).
  • Resume and portfolio of previous work downloadable online (maximum 10 pages).
  • Description of professional career and/or projects in the context of Catalonia.

You can consult the bases at the following link


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