

The UNCLASSIFIABLES podcast with Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca is now available

Multidisciplinary creator, he is one of the most prominent figures in the international field of electronic art and scenic experimentation

bonart barcelona - 30/10/23

The latest INCLASSIFIABLES podcast featured Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca, generator of aesthetics and ethics around the human body and its implications. David Escamilla and Ricard Planas also had a conversation with Maria Pfaff, director of the Mapfre KBr Foundation, the center that hosted this conversation where we delve into the meaning of art as an engine of knowledge.

The UNCLASSIFIABLES podcast shares, with the most heterodox and free-spirited creators, their successes and challenges. INCLASSIFIABLES is aimed at all audiences, with the firm desire to bring the most relevant creators and their artistic instincts closer to the citizens of our country, in an intergenerational way.

Born in Moià (Barcelona) in 1959, Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca trained in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. Multidisciplinary creator, he is one of the most outstanding figures in the international field of electronic art and scenic experimentation. In the eighties, he was the founder and leader of the company La Fura dels Baus, which popularized action theater. Since the 1990s, he has focused on research closer to visual arts, video and interaction with technology. Antúnez has created an iconoclastic universe based on the incorporation of computational and electronic systems. His mechatronic performances and interactive installations incorporate robots and all kinds of electronic systems, often applied to the human body, designated as Systematurgy. He has also produced a graphic work that incorporates unusual materials such as human fluids or food, and textual and visual elements, with the technique of collage and improvisation.

Among his exhibitions and performances, stand out those held at MACBA in Barcelona (1999), Institute of Contemporary Arts in London (2000), Maison européenne de la photographie in Paris (2004), Digital Art Festival in Tokyo (2016) or Arts Santa Mònica de Barcelona (2014), among many others. In 2010 he started a long-term project that he calls Arsenale delle Apparizioni, with performances and films presented at the Fantastic Cinema Festival of Sitges (2011) or the Greek Festival of Barcelona (2012).

Link to the UNCLASSIFIABLES program

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