

RCR wins the Eiffel Prize for Architecture for the Seibert Bridge

Els arquitectes d'Olot RCR han guanyat el Premi Eiffel d’Arquitectura 2023 en la categoria de ponts i passarel·les pel pont Seibert. El guardó és la més alta distinció en disseny arquitectònic amb acer a França.

RCR wins the Eiffel Prize for Architecture for the Seibert Bridge
bonart paris - 23/10/23

The architects of Olot RCR have won the Eiffel Prize for Architecture 2023 in the category of bridges and walkways for the Seibert bridge. This award is the highest distinction in architectural design with steel in France. The Seibert bridge connects Seguin Island and Meudon on the left bank of the Seine.

The Seibert Bridge is an engineering structure of spectacular dimensions (150 meters long, an 11-meter-high arch that is 13 meters wide on the Meudon side, and 26 meters wide on the Seguin Island). It is built with more than 2,000 tons of steel. It was designed by RCR together with AEI and Ingerop, and built by the Chantiers, Modernes Construction, Terideal and Baudin Châteauneuf consortium.

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