2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Suñol Foundation inaugurates 'Eva Lootz. walk with the river'

Suñol Foundation inaugurates 'Eva Lootz. walk with the river'
bonart barcelona - 27/09/23

On September 28 at 6:30 p.m., the Suñol Foundation inaugurates Eva Lootz. Walking with the river , exhibition that can be visited until February 17, 2024.

The artist will exhibit a series of newly created works, where the influences of his stay in Japan in 2019 can be seen, where he connected with the Haikus of Matsuo Basho, the walking poet, by whom he always felt a great affinity.

The result is lines that become shapes and that present us with their everyday life, that tell us how our body relates to the environment and the objects that surround us. These works will be completed with a series of drawings of a larger format and in black and white, such as Bocetos para el espacio exterior, Tiempo or El fondo indiferenciado de la consciencia, in which the first names of 20 female creators from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Eva Lootz was born in 1940 in Vienna, where she trained in fine arts, musicology, cinema and philosophy. In 1967 he settled in Madrid, becoming one of the prominent names in Spanish sculpture of the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. His work, which includes installations and sculpture, as well as photography and video, revolves around two poles: matter and language. Although he began working with materials such as cotton, soil or seeds, over time he incorporated a reflection on the places of extraction and treatment of minerals and raw materials, the exchange routes and the social and cultural effects that cause, as well as the footprint they leave on the landscape and the language. Matter, ecology, territory and gender are some of the concepts that have centered their production. In 1994 she was awarded the National Fine Arts Award. Eva Lootz is one of the outstanding artists of the Suñol Soler Collection, which preserves two of her works from the 80s.

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