

'50 years of Digital Entertainment, Josep Maria Frigola collection' at the Toy Museum

'50 years of Digital Entertainment, Josep Maria Frigola collection' at the Toy Museum
bonart figueres - 19/09/23

Since last July, the Toy Museum of Figueres has exhibited the temporary exhibition entitled 50 years of Digital Entertainment, Josep Maria Frigola collection. The mayor of Figueres, Jordi Masquef Creus, and the culture councilor of Figueres, Mariona Seguranyes Bolaños, were present at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. This exhibition is a journey through the history of video consoles, with a collection of images and names of 130 of the main consoles that have existed in different countries from 1972 to the present day.

It also exhibits a careful selection of examples of the 20 main consoles in history, which are part of the important private collection of Josep Maria Frigola from Figueres, expert in video games and in the world of recreational machines (Arcade) , formed, among others, by a fund of 130 different consoles and all in operation, 138 printed circuit boards of Arcade video games, specialized books and audiovisual materials and accessories.

This collection brings together unique specimens, as well as an excellent representation of specimens manufactured in Catalonia, given that since the 1980s, considered the golden age of video games, Catalonia has been an important center of development and video game manufacturing.

On the other hand, the exhibition is complemented by three arcade games with which visitors can freely play Tetris, Super Mario and Street Fighter. Also, a selection of 50 video games, games from the Game & Watch series, the popular portable machines, developed by Nintendo between 1980 and 1991.

The exhibition will be open to the general public until the end of September and entry is free. Opening hours are from Tuesday to Friday from 10:30 to 18:00 and on Saturdays from 10:30 to 19:00.

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