

Double retrospective exhibition of Dolors Puigdemont

Double retrospective exhibition of Dolors Puigdemont
bonart platja d'aro - 10/07/23

On July 8 at 8:00 p.m., the double retrospective exhibition of Dolors Puigdemont (Amer) Semences bordering the pond at the Parc dels Estanys de Platja d'Aro and L'Alè was inaugurated, which climbs through the holes in Masia Bas de Platja d'Aro.

The first inauguration, which took place in Parc dels Estanys, was accompanied by a guided tour by the artist herself accompanied by Mayor Maurici Jiménez Ruiz. Then, the closing and opening of the exhibition continued in the Masia Bas cultural space. As a novelty, the main door was opened for the first time at Masia Bas so that visitors could access the exhibition. In the Parc dels Estanys, which is designed to receive large-format sculptures, it hosts the proposal entitled Songs in the Fluïdesa.

The sample refers to the natural values of fluidity and fragility expressed through industrial-type materials such as steel and glass. Puigdemont uses them to talk about his symbolic thinking about life even though light remains his main protagonist. Other materials that can be appreciated are the wire, which she has bent herself to produce pieces without beginning or end that represent that they are air and that most of them have a circular shape. According to Puigdemont "in my work from here in Parc dels Estanys, the concepts of minimal expression and feminine spirituality predominate, which are also reproduced in the other half of the exhibition at Masia Bas".

Double retrospective exhibition of Dolors Puigdemont

Structures of Life

According to the art critic Alexandre Rosa Casellas "the work Three leaves (1992) is a painting that occupies three canvases on a clay background covered by light yellow brushstrokes that configure a dynamic and vibrant form that makes us think of the shape of a leaf. Geometry, with a certain degree of gesturality, reveals nature, the organic elements to which Dolors Puigdemont dedicates all his artistic work" and adds that "we can trace throughout his career this conjunction between geometry, belonging to human language, intelligible through a rational process, and natural bodies. To unite these two seemingly separate issues, we can say that the artist focuses on the structure that s "hides behind the organic fact, that structure that makes possible and that organizes the very fact of life that we see with our eyes".

If we look at Puigdemont's professional career, we can notice the change that the artist is heading towards the elaboration of his own language through the discovery of the strength of the most fragile elements in order to address a approach to nature that is honest and starts from human humility.

The artist also emphasizes that this change is also the result of looking for a more feminine dimension of art that allows him to create a creation linked to his personal experience and a certain tradition.

Double retrospective exhibition of Dolors Puigdemont

In his latest work, Puigdemont incorporates materials and techniques such as cotton fabrics, as well as the openness to the use of ephemeral materials and a much less grandiose and more subtle sensibility, making up a coherent trajectory that always revolves around this idea of 'life structure: the natural cycles, integrated natural materials such as pruning remains or leaves, the symbolic use of colors and the play with transparency, light or movement in order to express the fluidity of the water or air.

Puigdemont works with multiple formats, from painting or collage to sculpture and installation. Currently, Dolors Puigdemont lives between Vall d'en Bas and Baix Llobregat and has a degree in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Some of his most outstanding exhibitions are the ones he has held at the Leather Art Museum in Vic, the Garrotxa Museum in Olot, in Amer, Sant Joan de les Abadesses as well as in Tarragona, Reus, Salt or the Eude gallery in Barcelona.

The Masia Bas exhibition can be visited until September 11 from Tuesday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on weekends and holidays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: 00 hours The Space will be closed from July 27 to 31. While the Parc dels Estanys exhibition will be open to the public until February 18, 2024.

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