

'From chaos to ecstasy' at the La Mercè Cultural Centre

'From chaos to ecstasy' at the La Mercè Cultural Centre
bonart girona - 16/06/23

On Monday 19 June, the La Mercè Cultural Center explores the poetic and scientific universe of David Jou. The stage proposal of the dancer Francesc Bravo and the actor Jordi Coromina. The exhibition, which will take place at 7pm, navigates between science, technology and poetry, and talks about topics such as the number pi, the theory of relativity, the painting of Miquel Barceló or Marilyn Monroe herself.

'From chaos to ecstasy' draws from David Jou's poetic collections such as 'Ecstasy and calculation' or 'The hurricane on the maps', among others. The dancer Francesc Bravo and the actor Jordi Coromina propose a piece that runs through the words of Jou, creating links between science and the humanities, technology and art, knowledge and spirituality.

The show is divided into five areas: Chaos, Creation, Cosmos-Science, Humanity and End. In each of these we find the poetry recited by Coromina accompanied by a careful gestural transcription by Bravo.

Through mythology, religion or numerical languages, the public can enter the universe of the poet who moves, however redundant, between the chaos of existence and the ecstasy of contemplation.

'From chaos to ecstasy' at the La Mercè Cultural Centre


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